
2016 Bytecup

A recommendation system based on collabrative filtering under Q&A platform named Wukong to intelligently recommend questions to users to answer.

Python, Machine Learning, Collabrative Filtering, Mathematics | Nov. 2016

Project Paper

ShotVis - Intelligent Data Table Visualizer

A reasoning system based on first-order logic knowledge base and Markov Logic Network to understand a picture of data table and transfer the table into the best suitable visualization chart(line chart, bubble chart, etc).

Python, Machine Learning, Knowledge Base, Markov Logic Network, Mathematics | Jun. 2016

Project Demo

Ads Revenue Predict Model

A real-time service to predict the revenue per click of an ads keywords on Bing Ads and Google AdWords to help ads marketing.

Python, Machine Learning, Random Forest, Navie Bayes, Mathematics | Jan. 2016

Details and data is asked to keep secret.

Live Call Quality Rating System

A service to analysis and rate live video stream based on frame rates, packet loss rate and image recognition. Ranked 3rd out of 145 teams in 2015 "Huawei Cup" Innovation Competition.

C++/Matlab, Video Stream, Movement Detection, Signal Processing | May 2015

Project is not available now.


Basic Pascal Compiler

A basic pasc compiler that parses, verifies the grammar and emits X86-assembly for basic Pascal.

C++, Compiler, X86 | Jun. 2015

View on Github

Financial Articles Crawler

a web crawler based on Scrapy to crawl and extract all the short financial articles from Seekingalpha to a local database. Proxy and User-agent used.

Python, Web Crawler, Scrapy | Aug. 2017

View on Github

Events Extractor

a tool to extract raw texts from structured PDF document and financial business events among countries from fanancial articles using TABARI and Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA).

Python, Research Tool, Script | March. 2017

View on Github

Search Stock

A responsive web application to allow users to search stock information and visualize the results in an interactive way.

JavaScript, Angular 4.2, NodeJS, Express, Bootstrap, HighCharts, AlphaVentage | Nov. 2017

Project Page

Baby Game

An Android game based on Bluetooth device interaction to help baby learn about the knowledge of insects.

Java, Android | May. 2017

View on Github

FEAT Timeline & Logmixer

A complete data pipeline to visualize the real running time, logs and dependencies of a test target for an end-to-end test framework.

JavaScript/Python, Polymer, Google Charts | Aug. 2017

Details and data is asked to keep secret.

Ads Marketing Tool

An ads marketing tool which implements concurrent online ads management, market data monitoring, job scheduling, database integration and UI presentation.

Java, Spring | Jan. 2016

Details and data is asked to keep secret.

Open Source Projects


Contributes "smart_cond" API to TensorFlow.python.ops: PR#13954.

Python, Machine Learning Tool | Oct. 2017